Wednesday, February 15, 2012

AYURVEDA – The Science of Self-Healing by Dr. Vasant Lad Review
If you are interested in Ayurveda, the ancient and traditional Indian medical science, this book is a good introduction. Dr. Vasant Lad went to great lengths to write this practical guide on Ayurveda for those uninitiated. He provides simple diagrams and allows even beginners to ayurveda to use the knowledge in this book to come up with rudimentary diagnosis. The content is not extensive enough to figure treatments for disease but it is helpful in providing preventive solutions based on basic ayurvedic diagnosis that can be early indication of ill health.

An anonymous review on
I had the privilage of being treated by Dr. Lad as well as going to several clases he gives at the Ayurvedic institute in Albuquerque NM. The book is a wonderful aid in trying to understand and identify health and disease. You have to be able to understand that "western" medicine is not the answer for everything and that in many cases it will eventually make you even sicker. What do you prefer, Prozac or a cup of some herbal tea that will eventually help you with depression?. What do you prefer, a cup of chamomile tea along with jatamansi or Pepto Bismol?. Ayurveda is something very real, helpful and extremely cheap. Hmmmm..... just wondering why allopacy wants to destroy alternative methods. Even better, is Ayurveda really an alternative treatment? 3,000 years before Jesus Ayurveda was being, just wondering who's really alternative. Give it a try, Vasant Lad is a great humble and loving person.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chakras: Energy Centers of Transformation by Harish Johari Review
This is one of the most friendly book on the esoterics of chakras to be found. the late Harish Johari's valuable literary work on the chakra and their related spiritual psychiatry and psychology is equally matched by trully inspiring illustrations of the chakras. An essential book for all those who are mystified by or are interested in understanding the chakras, which are spiritual force hubs connecting the spiritual bodies of man to the physical body, and their functions.

Editorial Review
"This book offers much for readers to digest, and it is an invitation to new and healthy experiences with food." (Catholic Women's NETWORK, March/April/May 2001 )
“Johari’s text is among the best of Western explications, combining traditional, visionary, and practical views. Chakras is illustrated, detailed, accessible to the neophyte, and notable for its valuable discussion of tantric vocabulary.” -- East West Journal

Review by Pieter 'Toypom' on
The energy vortices or charkas are located within the cerebrospinal system and are the points of interaction between the spirit and the body. Each of the 7 main charkas is also connected to certain glands in the body and therefore has a role in the hormonal system.
The psychophysical energy dealt with here is electrochemical and operates through the life force (prana) that moves through the body along the nadi channels. The seven main chakras are all connected to the main nadi. By understanding this system one can cultivate a higher state of being.
This illuminating and comprehensive book includes the following chapters: 1. The Principles of Tantra Yoga, with a section on states of consciousness; 2. Kundalini Yoga; 3. The Essentials of the Chakras; 4. Chakras, Rebirth & Spirituality. The appendix consists of extracts from the Hindu scriptures on the various stages of Yoga.
The aforementioned Chapter 3 deals with each of the chakras in turn, providing a description of each, the psychological energies that operate in it, the shape, yantra and color of each chakra, its predominating sense aspects, its seed sound (bija), number of petals, residing deity and ruling planet. It was interesting to learn about the Soma Chakra, an unnumbered energy point also called Amirta or Indu, that resides within the 7th or Sahasrara chakra.
The principles of the chakra system and practical applications are discussed in detail, including visualization techniques. The text is enhanced by beautiful color paintings of each energy vortex plus plenty of interesting black and white illustrations. The book concludes with a glossary and index.
Johari's revised and expanded edition of Chakras is a very accessible work and packed with facts. As such it is ideal for both the novice and the advanced energy worker. It provides all the information, techniques and tools to activate one's energy system for enhancing spiritual growth, balanced emotions and mental and physical well-being.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ayurvedic Healing Cuisine by Harish Johari

Editorial Review
"Unlike the recipes in many other Indian cookbooks, the simplicity of Johari's dishes makes it possible to prepare an Indian meal without spending an entire day at the task." (Vegetarian Times )

"A fine introduction both to the science of Ayurveda and to its cuisine." (Hinduism Today )

"Harish Johari is Ayurveda's renaissance man." (Yoga Journal )
"A delightfully healthy way to broaden your palate to include the delicacies of India." (NAPRA Review )
"Readers interested in applying the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda healing to contemporary lifestyles will find both an excellent reference and delicious recipes in Ayurvedic Healing Cuisine." (Sandra I. Smith, The Midwest Book Review )

"Exceptional." (Today's Books, March 6, 2001 )

"This book offers much for readers to digest, and it is an invitation to new and healthy experiences with food." (Catholic Women's NETWORK, March/April/May 2001 )

"With 200 recipes to improve well-being and longevity, the book exalts the healing qualities of various foods and spices." (PJ Birosik, Nexus, July/August 2002 )

Review by Cassandra Barnes on
Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine from India that emphasizes the healing properties of food. As Harish Johari says, "food is something very personal and it should never be eaten for taste alone; its purpose is to provide nutrients and satisfaction to the body, without introducing toxins." Johari, a Tantric and Ayurvedic scholar, wrote twelve books, as well as produced audiocassettes and CDs, before his death in 1999. Ayurvedic Healing Cuisine: 200 Vegetarian Recipes for Health, Balance, and Longevity, published posthumously, "explains the healing qualities of various foods and spices and recommends combinations appropriate for specific conditions of body and mind."
Johari first introduces the principles of Ayurveda, fully discussing the role of the five elements and describing the doshas--a way of classifying body types and temperments. He also explains that there are six tastes--sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. Each of the tastes has a different effect on the body. Foods are further classified as to whether they are hot or cold and heavy or light. These attributes also affect the body in various ways.
Understanding how foods interact with one another and how they effect the body provides a foundation for healthy eating. Johari maintains that "most diseases are the result of wrong eating habits and/or of eating antagonist foods."
He also includes information on the nutrients in food, such as protein and vitamins. That's followed by a section describing the healing properties of specific foods. He suggests using milk as a source of protein, rather than meat or eggs.
The bulk of the book is devoted to recipes, including how to prepare various Indian spice mixtures. All of the recipes are Westernized versions of Indian foods and use ingredients that can be obtained in the West. Many are prepared using a wok. Johari presents recipes for snacks, dals, main dishes, salads, condiments, breads, desserts, and beverages.
Appendices include menu suggestions, and several special recipes for children and the elderly. He finishes with a list of spice and specialty food suppliers.
Readers interested in applying the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda healing to contemporary lifestyles will find both an excellent reference and delicious recipes in Ayurvedic Healing Cuisine.