This is one of the most friendly book on the esoterics of chakras to be found. the late Harish Johari's valuable literary work on the chakra and their related spiritual psychiatry and psychology is equally matched by trully inspiring illustrations of the chakras. An essential book for all those who are mystified by or are interested in understanding the chakras, which are spiritual force hubs connecting the spiritual bodies of man to the physical body, and their functions.
Editorial Review
"This book offers much for readers to digest, and it is an invitation to new and healthy experiences with food." (Catholic Women's NETWORK, March/April/May 2001 )
“Johari’s text is among the best of Western explications, combining traditional, visionary, and practical views. Chakras is illustrated, detailed, accessible to the neophyte, and notable for its valuable discussion of tantric vocabulary.” -- East West Journal
Review by Pieter 'Toypom' on
The energy vortices or charkas are located within the cerebrospinal system and are the points of interaction between the spirit and the body. Each of the 7 main charkas is also connected to certain glands in the body and therefore has a role in the hormonal system.
The psychophysical energy dealt with here is electrochemical and operates through the life force (prana) that moves through the body along the nadi channels. The seven main chakras are all connected to the main nadi. By understanding this system one can cultivate a higher state of being.
This illuminating and comprehensive book includes the following chapters: 1. The Principles of Tantra Yoga, with a section on states of consciousness; 2. Kundalini Yoga; 3. The Essentials of the Chakras; 4. Chakras, Rebirth & Spirituality. The appendix consists of extracts from the Hindu scriptures on the various stages of Yoga.
The aforementioned Chapter 3 deals with each of the chakras in turn, providing a description of each, the psychological energies that operate in it, the shape, yantra and color of each chakra, its predominating sense aspects, its seed sound (bija), number of petals, residing deity and ruling planet. It was interesting to learn about the Soma Chakra, an unnumbered energy point also called Amirta or Indu, that resides within the 7th or Sahasrara chakra.
The principles of the chakra system and practical applications are discussed in detail, including visualization techniques. The text is enhanced by beautiful color paintings of each energy vortex plus plenty of interesting black and white illustrations. The book concludes with a glossary and index.
Johari's revised and expanded edition of Chakras is a very accessible work and packed with facts. As such it is ideal for both the novice and the advanced energy worker. It provides all the information, techniques and tools to activate one's energy system for enhancing spiritual growth, balanced emotions and mental and physical well-being.
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