Friday, June 24, 2011

The Mahabharata by J. D. Smith (Penguin Classics)

The Mahabharata
Originally composed in Sanskrit sometime between 400 BC and 400 AD, The Mahabharata-with one hundred thousand stanzas of verse-is one of the longest poems in existence. At the heart of the saga is a conflict between two branches of a royal family whose feud culminates in a titanic eighteen-day battle. Exploring such timeless subjects as dharma (duty), artha (purpose), and kama (pleasure) and moksha (liberation) in a mythic world of warfare, magic, and beauty, this is a magnificent and legendary Hindu text of immense importance to the culture of the Indian subcontinent.

Review by This book published by Penguin is written by an English Sanskrit scholar. He thus takes care to keep the reading friendly for those uninitiated into sanskrit scriptures or Hinduism, without drowning the original feel of the scripture with too much interpretation. It is an easy read and recommended for those who wish to read the Mahabharata as close to the original text without being mired in sanskrit cross translations and debates on word interpretation that is common among many local Indian presentations. This book reads more like a story book and the translations are excellent. The only thing I would criticize about the book is the cover art, which is reflective of mughal style. The Mahabharata was written way before the Mughal style ever appeared in Indian history and the painting has no representation whatsoever of any characters of the Mahabharata. It is a small issue but I hope Penguin books will rectify it in another print.

Review by CarrierofLadders on
This version of the Mahabharata is mostly a paraphrase in English. I have not been able to find more than that without great expense, however it is very good for someone who wants the narrative with the details of the story but also wants to get the feeling of the text. The paraphrase is interspersed with fairly lengthy sections of text. All the things you might get in an English retelling are reproduced in really beautiful prose. The battle scenes are harrowing. Anyone who might be sqeamish at the Illiad (I have not met such a person, but I am told they exist)would be wise to steer clear. I am not a scholar of Indian Literature and have only the most basic grasp of Hindu pantheon and tradition, but I found this accessible and really compelling. The characters are really unforgetable. The enduring message of the work about faith and dharma has not lost any beauty and relevance today. It would be wise to get a good version of the Bhagavad Gita and read that in its entirety when you arrive at the relevant passages, for that really would complete the experience. For the price of a penguin book you could not get better.

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