Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Science Of Pranayama by Swami Sivananda

Review by All enlightened yoga masters will point out that mastery of life can be achieved if the mind is mastered. They will continue this statement and present the formulae that the mind can be mastered through the breath. That life itself can be mastered by minding ones breath seems rather simplistic if not ridiculous especially if you are schooled in contemporary science. If this is so for you allow the great yoga master Swami Sivananda of Divine Life Society teach you more than a thing or two about the yogic perspective of the power of breathing. He also offers in this book many techniques of breathing for different purposes. In my yoga training with my guru the emphasis on breathing to control thought patterns and emotions was paramount. It is the key to achieving the ultimate experiences of God Realization. Later I learned that pranayama, which means breath control can be used to bring the body to a state of balance that can heal diseases of the body and mind effectively. This book by Swami Sivananda is a gem. His writings are always practical and easy to understand with a lot of candor. It is a valuable and rare book on pranayama that is a must for all those aspirants of yoga and mystics who are interested in the potent yoga of pranayama.

Review by Seeker on
This book by Swami Sivananda Ji Maharaj is like all His other works -- namely practical! There is plenty of inspiring material as well with quotes and excerpts from the scriptures extolling the benefits and powers of a pranayama practice. There is a section "special instructions" which is full of useful guidelines. If you plan to undertake a dedicated pranayama practice for laying the foundation for spiritual practice then you must buy this book. Between this book and Swami Ramdev Ji's DVD on pranayama and asanas, you will have everything you need to start a very rewarding practice.

I have been practicing pranayama for a little over a month for about 2 to 4 hours a day, after learning from Swami Ramdev Ji's DVD and this book. I can say without any reservation that pranayama is indeed the most powerful technique amongst all the knowledge known to mankind. All the laws of physics, mathematics and engineering marvels are a mere zero in comparison to the grandeur of this divine vidya.

It will remove all sorts of health ailments, known and unknown. You will enjoy radiant health. It will clarify your thinking and make it crystal clear. It will make you fearless. It will improve your concetration. It will help in controlling your anger and allow you to go deep into meditation. I am waiting to see what will happen after six months of practice! Please do not delay, start a diligent practice from this very minute!

Please do not listen to books and "experts" who always tell you to learn from a teacher. While it is true that one needs a teacher for advanced practices of retention, most of the simpler pranayamas can be learned with the aids mentioned here. One should not miss out on the profound benefits of pranayama while waiting for a teacher to arrive. All one has to do is to use caution and stay within one's capacity. All this is well explained in the resources mentioned here.

Of course, it goes without saying that the books from the Bihar School of Yoga on this subject are also stellar works! These include the books by Swami Satyananda Saraswati Ji and Swami Niranjanananda Ji.

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