Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Third Eye by Lobsang Rampa review. Well written story books by mystics filled with extraordinary experiences are timeless. T. Lobsang Rampa's The Third Eye is one such book.
Unlike science fictions, where stories are based on yet to be developed technology or a kind of living that may or may not come to pass, mystics write of experiences that can be available to anyone who decides to pursue and practice the mystical arts. When I was a young yogi, T. Lobsang Rampa's books were awesome. I guess I can liken it to a budding detective reading a detective novel. While the veracity of Lobsang Rampa's anecdotes may be of question, this book is nevertheless entertaining and at times awe inspiring. I would recommend this book for students of mysticism, more for fun than anything serious and also for those intrigued by different dimensions of living.

Editorial Review
T. Lobsang Rampa was preordained to be a Tibetan priest, a sign from the stars that could not be ignored. When he left his wealthy home to enter the monastery, his heart was filled with trepidation, with only a slight knowledge of the rigorous spiritual training and physical ordeal that awaited him . . . .
This is his story, a hauntingly beautiful and deeply inspiring journey of awakening within Chakpori Lamasery, the temple of Tibetan medicine. It is a moving tale of passage through the mystic arts of astral projection, crystal gazing, aura deciphering, meditation, and more, a spiritual guide of enlightenment and discovery through the opening of the all-powerful, the all-knowing . . . .
"Fascinates the reader!" -- Miami Herald

A Review on
This author wrote a total of 19 affordable paperbacks on the topics of Tibet and the forgotten mystic abilities of mankind. You may have heard the stories about the author, that he was a "hoax", not who he claimed to be. Read the books! He openly discusses all of these accusations, and often states that because his story is so unusual, he is often disbelieved. Then, once you tire of the whole controversy regarding the author, you will still be left with a wealth of down-to-earth information about topics considered "out of this world". If you are seriously interested in the possibilites of reincarnation, astral travel, meditation, etc. but you don't want to read a bunch of New Age jibber-jabber, read The Third Eye and any other book by T. Lobsang Rampa. The author's writing style is warm and humourous, interweaving the lessons with stories from his facinating life experience. I have read and re-read all 19 of his books so I am obviously a fan...but I was skeptical at first. You will be too, because the story is unlike any you've ever heard. Never mind, whether you consider his work fact or fiction, Rampa's books are page-turners one and all. (Note: those who mentioned their wish to contact the author...unfortunately, this is not possible because he passed away in 1981.)

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