Monday, July 4, 2011

Thirumandiram : A Classic of Yoga and Tantra (Three Vollume Set)

Product Description
Get connected to the roots of yoga with the first English translation of Thirumoolar's classic masterpiece of yoga, tantra and Shaiva Siddhanta, the gospel of the Tamil Yoga Siddhas. It has inspired the daily life of millions in south India and helped to produce its greatest yogis and saints for the past 2,000 years. Written in 3,047 poetic gem-like verses which go far beyond Patanjali's "Yoga Sutras" in scope and depth, this international edition has been designed to facilitate the understanding of the reader with explanatory remarks in the special introductury sections, extensive footnotes, a detailed glossary, index and numerous illustrations. From the most mundane to the most sublime areas of life it provides illuminating guidance and inspiration for Self-Realization and Self-Transformation. Review. The Tirumantiram is a Tamil Scripture on yoga philosophy. It is considered the foundation of spiritual and religious practices of the Tamils especially of the Saivite Sect. Extolling God Shiva as Supreme Godhead, this scripture is complete in its description of the path to God and its varieties as well as on ethics. It leaves no stones unturned, even getting into sexual tantras of yogis. This scripture is however not a story book. The scripture contains 3,047 verses, with each one detailing the perspective of the author on different matters or yoga philosophical teachings, or details of yoga practices and their expected results. The Saivite Tamils have a legend that states that the author of Tirumantiram, the Tirumular took 3,000 years to complete the Tirumantiram. They say each verse contain the wisdom worth one year of meditation. The scripture is not an easy read though and authors may vary in their interpretations on some of the verses vastly. It is good to have some basic understanding of Yoga philosophy before studying this scripture.

Review on by Holisticess
For all true Yogis/Yoginis, this is a must have. Reading the scriptures and meditating upon them is an initiation into a true spiritual awakening, and a connection to the great immortal Siddhas. These Holy scriptures will allow you to experience an heigtened Divine guidance in your sleeping and waking state, (if you're opened and purified enough to allow it to do so). Tamil Siddha Yoga is the foundation of Yoga as we know of it today, reflecting the original practices of the pre-aryan, pre-vedic Indus Valley culture. The Yoga of Eternal Life

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